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Custom Mixing & Mastering

Custom Mixing & Mastering

Need a custom mix? Purchase to get a 100% custom pro mix and master with a quick turn-around time and tworevisions. Get your vocal engineered to a level no template can and hear your vocals turn into studio quality, chart top sounding magic.  Upgrade $25 per extra revistion (after the 2 provided) along with a $40 upgrade which includes the stems and FLP/PT projectas well as a optional $25 for melodyne usage. 

(Hear examples in product video)


    How To Use Our

    1. Download your purchased template and open the project file. You will see an entire mixed session with RAW and mixed vocals as well as the beat. 

    2. You can route your mic into the record track and simply record your vocals. You can also "Save as template" for the entire project file for new use without overriding. 

    3. Lastly, you can right click on any track and save as a preset for custom use in any existing project. 


    . Drag & Drop Mixing

    . Includes RAW vocals and mix


    . Save Template for use in any song

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